Featured Composer: Robert McClure

Robert McClure is one of Bachovich's most diverse composers. Robert is currently pursuing a DMA in composition at Rice University, where he is a TA in the Rice Electronic Music Lab. His diverse array of compositions--electronic and instrumental--have been accepted to festivals around the country and performed by musicians of all ages (from young students to professionals).

Robert’s marimba-percussion duo Go! won 2nd Place in the 2008 Ironworks Percussion Duo Composition Competition and helped introduce Robert to BMP. Bachovich also carries Robert’s ...of the Earth for percussion quartet and two very unique solo works: A Natural Regression (for solo marimba and solo prepared vibraphone) and Integrated Elements No. 3 ‘Divide by Five’ (for gyil and fixed media), which has been selected for performance at the SEAMUS 2011 conference at the University of Miami from January 20-22. [The gyil is a West African pentatonic “xylophone.” See the image below, which features Bachovich composer Valerie Naranjo.]

Robert’s portfolio includes a variety of interesting works available at Bachovich. For more information and audio samples of these works, click on their titles above. Happy Holidays Robert, and good luck in 2011!